Thursday, August 26, 2010

Poster B

Here is the 2nd (out of 3) posters that never saw the light.

This one is actually closest to what became out poster/DVD cover, in terms of colour and the locker image. Though we really liked how stark and raw (the handwritten marker) and self explanatory it was. The distributor really wanted to see "inside" the locker and stack it with VHS titles of the films we'd be celebrating and other Hughes paraphernalia.

What do you think about it?


  1. No comments since August?? and none about the poster...

    I just watched your documentary and I say bravo!

    I feel sad that it seems as though the questions and spotlight around Hughes is fading and yet there are so many unanswered questions.. maybe we need Oprah to watch the film and do an episode on John, she can uncover things nobody can. Shall we try that? I am game..

    and btw.. I do like this poster, the locker posters are far better than the billboard one.

    - Steve

  2. I think this cover is better than what ultimately ended up as the "logo". But I grew up in the 80's -- and on John Hughes films -- so I get what the lockers & writing mean. I just let a friend know about your documentary (I saw it on cable last year). We were talking about the show Big Love & how we miss Harry Dean Stanton's character, which lead to Pretty in Pink, John Hughes and your documentary. I guess that "six degrees of separation" (or Kevin Bacon) really is true. LOL

  3. Hi Guys

    I just sent an email to the hughesgeneration account. Me and my production crew are preparing a John Hughes complete retrospective in Brazil, next year. We were wondering if we could (and if you would like) screen your movie at our retrospective. I think it would be awsome. Also, if your interested and have the time, we would love to chat a bit about the whole process behind the making. Anyways, if youre interested you can contact me through my email:
    And, oh, love the cover.
